Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Build Up, Build Up, Prepare The Way

Apparently Hailaer has been chosen as the tourist location for this summer. And in preparation, there is construction everywhere!

I'm a little confused as to how scaffolding on every building will please the tourists, not to mention why perfectly decent buildings have been chosen for remodeling, but it's up and I'm learning to live with it.

Thankfully, I only had to live with the overwhelmingly loud drilling just outside my window for two days.

After about an hour of staring at the floorboards in my living room just waiting for a drill bit to pop through the wall, an hour of frustration from not being able to hear my music, a much too early hour at 7 am, I left the house for the day to escape the noise.

I couldn't really escape the construction, so I photographed it instead.

In addition to the scaffolding scaling each story's surface, there are large metal framed domes blocking the 'sidewalks'.

Now, I've already gotten used to dodging cars and bikers who would rather not drive on the street where they belong but instead drive on the raised concrete tiled area (which in another city would be called a sidewalk and reserved for pedestrians.) But now, in addition to weaving around vehicles, I have to chart a course around these construction domes as well.

I'm still lost for the reason as to why these architectural pieces were delivered early, having to wait for months on the 'sidewalk' before finally being hoisted to the top of the buildings where they will supposedly add grace and grandeur. Fortunately a few of them have recently disappeared into the air (although I'm still not sure how since I've never seen a crane in the area), so hopefully pedestrians and predicted tourists will soon regain their walkways.

And in the meantime, we'll all just have to watch out for beams falling on our heads.

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