Miss Me?
The Little Things I Miss
- pop-top cans
- familiar cell phone rings
- TLC channel
- my bed (ok, that's a big soft comfortable thing....)
- inside jokes
- hugs
- hand soap
- doors that don't have glass panels
- round doorknobs
- Red Box runs with Julie
- school supply rooms
- solid colored textiles (shirts, sheets, towels, etc.)
- friends who spill more than I do (I love you Trin!)
- music I recognize and can understand
- going barefoot
- food
- hospitality like I've never known
- flavored milk
- walking
- the people I work with
- vegetables that taste good
- the amusement of confusion
- snow
- meat at every meal
- Jane's Laugh
- Polly's smile
- corner grocery stores
- Lydia's gentleness
- conversations with Rose
- dumplings
- blue skies and sunshine daily
- the innocence of girls
- bing (food, not Crosby)
- grasslands
- dedicated students
- 2 hour lunch breaks
- "It's my pleasure"
- British accents
- long underwear
- metered on-ramps
- car horns
- public urination
- the effects of alcohol
- squatty potties
- communication struggles
- men who won't step up to the plate
- smoke
- lukewarm coffee
- lukewarm followers of my Father
- divorce
- men who spit in public
- the lack of street signs
- being stared at
- bad chocolate
- over zealous heaters
China Doll, you bring me great joy! I'll never forget your lovely gift of Tide Pens, for they remind me that I'm loved & accepted, clumsiness and all.
If you are really a product of a materialistic universe, how is it that you don't feel at home there?
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