Thursday, April 12, 2007

A Scented Saturday

My curling iron smelled like syrup this morning. I nearly burned my nose as I savored the scent with a longing for the sweetness of syrup with a side of French toast. The aromas of the afternoon were unfortunately not as pleasant.

Although Cor might advise you to find the source of a peculiar smell in your house, I argue against ever looking for the origin of a foul smell when you're walking down the street.

For about a week now, I've been taking an alley shortcut home from work. Each night I have experienced an unpleasant smell, but with the cover of night, nothing unusual was noticeable. On Monday, however, I took this route to work, therefore walking the alley in the light.

Although I should have known it is always unwise to look anywhere other than directly in front of your feet with the lake-sized puddles spring in Hailar brings, experiencing the odor again, I began to this time seek the cause. What I found was a dead rat and some human feces. I also walked away with a dripping wet shoe from the puddle I didn't observe quickly enough. I'm still trying to convince myself the puddle was just melted snow. It seems that Cor isn't the only one with sewage problems...

1 comment:

PopStar said...

every thing's coming up tulips